Be A Neighbor Saving Neighbors

With your help, we can continue to answer the call.

Be A Neighbor Saving Neighbors image

With your help, we can continue to answer the call.

We volunteer, but rescue is not free.

It doesn’t happen without you. The Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad can’t be there to perform CPR on a man whose heart stops without the donations you send. We can’t backboard the woman in a head-on collision without the Oyster Roast tickets you buy. We can’t guide a new baby into the world without the equipment your group donates. Your sustaining financial support, along with our generous volunteers, allows the Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad to do what we do so well: provide you with free, life-saving, emergency care.

The Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Because of our volunteer efforts, pre-hospital emergency medical care in the City of Virginia Beach is free to residents and visitors, and contributes to over $24 million in savings to the City.

The squad has two fund drives every year, in the spring and the fall. But, of course, donations can be made at any time.

There are all types of donations, from small to large, from individuals to corporations. Also, donations can be made in the form of Memorials, Bequests, Trusts, Endowments and Honorariums. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring donation. Truly, every little bit helps.

Also, if you would like to give to us through the Combined Federal Campaign, the Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad is CFC# 82014.

As members of the all-volunteer Virginia Beach Rescue Squad, Inc., we dedicate our efforts to saving lives, delivering high-quality emergency medical services, and providing community education and safety. We are proud to have served Virginia Beach residents and visitors for more than 70 years.

Other Ways to Support Us

Link your Kroger Plus card to VBVRS and every time you shop, you’ll be making a donation to VBVRS!

Already have a Kroger Plus card?

  1. Log in at (if you haven’t created your account yet, click “Create an Account”)
  2. Once logged in, Enter NPO number 88532 or Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad, or select us from the list
  3. Click on “Confirm”

Use your phone number to check out?

  1. Dial 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number
  2. Follow the same steps as above

Once you’ve linked your account, any time you swipe, you support us!

Simply using the search engine GoodSearch or shopping for well-known brands through GoodShop will bring us much-needed donations without costing you a penny.